Welcome to the 2023/2024 Ladies Winter Tennis League - Ace Ace Babies!
November 12th - Season begins!
March 1st - Season Ends. Last day for score submissions
TEAMS HAVE BEEN POSTED! Click here to view the teams (note you may have to click the tabs at the bottom to see your team)
Here are the basic guidelines:
Matches will follow USTA guidelines and will be best of 3. Here Is a nice link to a basic rundown of USTA match play.
The first team listed for a match Is the "Home" team. The Home team Is responsible for:
Contacting the "Visiting" team to arrange the match
Reserving the court
Bringing a can of fresh balls
Reporting the scores
The season has been broken Into 3 sessions to help you with scheduling. It Is not required that you play your match within the specified session. You must finish your matches and submit your scores by March 2nd.
Winners will be announced and celebrated at an end of season gathering.
Subs - you're welcome to use a sub If needed. On the team roster form there is a tab with some subs. Your sub must:
Be a current KRA member
Be around (or lower) level than your normal partner.
Should you have to stop a match In the middle due to weather, etc, just reschedule the remainder.
Remember that you'll need a key for some of the courts and some of the courts are not lit.
Reminder - this Is supposed to be a FUN and social way to get out and play some tennis when the weather can be less than agreeable.
Problems with score submissions/roster edits/etc should be directed to Allie Carpenter . Please don't come to me with other problems. I probably can't solve them.